Home Baked Boots

Thermofit Liners Baking in the Oven
Thermofit Liners Cooling Off

Most modern ski boots feature thermo-fit liners that provide a custom-fit boot for minimal hassle. But, if you buy your boots online or if you're pressed for time how do you get that custom fit without a trip to a ski shop? If you have an oven and properly fitting boot shells, it's easier than baking cookies. Thanks to Charlie for the simple how-to instructions for baking and custom fitting your own thermofit boot liners.

How to Bake Thermo-fit Boot Liners by Charlie:

1. Crack open a beer.

2. Drink some beer.

3. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. (Take out the rack before preheating your oven.)

4. Turn the oven OFF.

5. Put the liners in on the cold rack.

6. Wait 9 to 12 minutes until they puff up or start to smell like burning rubber.

7. Drink some more beer.

8. While the boots are in the oven, make toe caps for your feet. I just use tissue paper to good effect.

9. Put your footbeds in a pair of thin sock and put your feet in the socks with the toecaps and footbeds.

10. Take a soft liner out of the oven and put your foot in it with the toecap, footbed, and liner.

* {I've had better luck putting the footbeds in the liners and sliding the liners into the boots by hand, then putting each foot with a toecap and sock into the boot.}

11. Pull the liner up all around to snug it and then, with a friend holding the shell open, slide the liner in, tap the heel, and buckle up.

12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 for the other boot.

13. Open another beer and stand with your toes on a 2x4 and light pressure on your shins until cool... about 15-20 minutes.

14. Don't forget to drink beer.

Ta Da! You now have a custom fit thermofit liners in your ski boots. Thermofit liners do pack out and may need to be re-baked after 50 or more days of skiing. Good luck and good skiing.

More Info:

Boot Fitting

Youtube - Cooking with Big Tim

Intuition Liners — Everything You Always Wanted to Know

Thermosetting polymer