Carbon Footprint

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Calculating and Reducing your personal CO2 emissions

Think Sustainable, Buy Durable

Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do

Black Friday. The day after Thanksgiving in the US is infamous for early-morning sales and hordes of shoppers. If your plans for Black Friday include a tactical shopping mission - I have a suggestion. Buy Durable Stuff. Whatever it is you shop for, choose products that are made to last. For a product to be sustainable it must also be durable. Now, how do you find well made, durable stuff?

Does Your Ski Area Make The Grade?

Ski Area Citizen's Coalition

It's been quite a while since I've brought home a report card, but I remember it pretty well. A report card with all 'A's was great (although rare), but grades lower than 'B' were cause for a long conversation with my parents. The '09/10 report cards are out for ski areas in the Western United States. Unfortunately, I feel like it's time to have a long conversation with the ski areas in my state. The nearby ski areas have earned no 'A's, a few 'B's and one 'C'. Not a stellar grade point average for my area.

Ski the Backcountry vs. Riding Lifts

Powder day - Waiting for first chair

'There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.' That saying applies to skiing and snowboarding as well as time-share condo seminars. Peter Frick-Wright discovered as much in his attempt to reduce his carbon footprint (snowprint?) by snowboarding in the backcountry. Peter rode a train to 'see whether I can ride the rails to a near-zero-emissions vacation'. Unfortunately, Peter wasn't able to avoid car trips to the trailhead and he got a crash-course in backcountry ski safety too.

Can the Vancouver Winter Olympics be Carbon Neutral?

Rock Cairn in snow

The modern Olympic Games are a showcase for athletic competition and for the city and country that host them. Vancouver, British Columbia will host the 2010 Winter Olympics and the organizing committee (VANOC) is going all out to present their city at its best.

Need a Lift?

WWII Car Club poster

When you go skiing how do you get to the mountains? If you can take a bus or train to the mountain, that's great! Unfortunately, for many of us there simply isn't any public transit to the closest ski resort. Speaking for myself, every time I go skiing I drive to the local ski area. Since driving is my only practical option - I carpool to the mountain.


Powder Day turns

Love the Mountains. Ride the Snow. Reduce your Carbon Footprint.

I fell in love with winter the first time I went sledding as a kid. I have loved snow sports since the first time my father took me skiing at a 300 vertical foot 'mountain' in the midwest. I moved to the Rocky Mountains in the 1990's and that was one of the best decisions I've ever made. In short, I love snowy mountains and I've grown to hate climate change.


Friends and CO2 Reduction, Snow Sports and Sustainability info

  • - Skiing and Ski Info, News, Gear Shop, Travel & Community
  • - The first step is knowing your personal carbon footprint.
  • - Reducing our dependence on coal is the single most focused thing we can do to fight climate change and we have the collective power to do it.
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